Saturday, March 14, 2009

Asking For Directions

Photoshop CS3 @ 450 dpi

And another. 5 days of planning, coloring and head-scratching.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Hide & Seek

Photoshop CS3 @ 450 dpi

Another environment run. Took about a day to finish. Someone's hiding in that picture somewhere.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Environment Test

Photoshop CS3 @ 450 dpi

Trying out new brushes and texture techniques.

This took longer than expected but it was a fun experience. I'm amazed how pro environment artists can just blaze away making detailed paintings in a matter of minutes and have photo-realistic images in a matter of hours.

Canopolis Infantry Speedpaint

Photoshop CS3 @ 300 dpi

30 min speedpaint